Dear Students,
“Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world”
These words of Malcolm X, should be the golden words for all of us here in Waikhom Mani Girls’ College. In this ever evolving and Highly developing 21st Century Society , the Role of Women becomes very important than ever in our History. In this Juncture, I am indeed privileged to lead “Waikhom Mani Girls’ College -the only Girls College of Thoubal District”. Empowerment of women is essential for the creation of an equal and enriched society and education is indeed a powerful tool to achieve this objective. We, at WMGC, thus aim at developing self–reliant, conscientious women by equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a strong identity for themselves, in the world which is reshaping itself at an unprecedented pace with the dominance of globalization and technology. I believe that the role of education is not just following the set curriculum but also moving beyond the set methods of instruction and range of material we strive to tap the innate creative potential of our wards and stimulate their interests in research too. I once again Welcome you all at WMGC, Together we plan to reach Higher landmarks in future.
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